Private Residence Relief Changes

Private Residence Relief Changes

Did you know that when you rent out all or part of your home a Capital Gains Tax (CGT) charge may apply when you sell the property? Currently, HMRC exclude the last 18 months of your ownership – even if the property is let for this time – when assessing any CGT... read more
Employing students over the Christmas break?

Employing students over the Christmas break?

If you employ students to help balance your staffing needs over the Christmas holidays, you will need to include them in your payroll and account for the usual PAYE and NIC rules. Students should also be made aware that they will pay tax and NIC if: They earn more... read more
How to make the most of trivial benefits

How to make the most of trivial benefits

Are you taking advantage of the so-called Trivial Benefits rules? You may not be aware, but it’s possible to make small tax-free gifts and entertainment to employees, including directors. Here are the rules: The benefit must cost you less than £50 to provideIt can’t... read more
Enjoy A Tax-Free Christmas!

Enjoy A Tax-Free Christmas!

Christmas doesn’t need to be a tax headache. Follow the simple steps below and the cost of your annual staff party will not create tax issues, for you or your team. All employees must be invited to the event, which must be held at a specific location. Your annual... read more
Latest Changes to Private Residence Relief

Latest Changes to Private Residence Relief

In July the Government confirmed its plans to change the way that Capital Gains Tax (CGT) is calculated for properties that are part or fully let. Currently HMRC excludes the last 18 months of your ownership, even if the property is let in this time, when calculating... read more