It is a sad fact that some small businesses fail. Among the many reasons why this can happen there are four common themes that arise time and time again. Here we’ll take a closer look at those reasons and dive into the lessons you can learn from them so that your business remains successful.

1 – Running Out of Cash

Around 20% of small businesses fail in their first year and many blame cash flow mismanagement as a contributing factor to their collapse.

Cash is the lifeblood of your business; without it, you can’t keep moving.  This is why it’s so important to have a good understanding of your cash flow and make sure you have enough money coming in to cover your expenses.

If you’re having trouble managing your cash flow, here are some tips:

Talk to your accountant who will help you to….

  • Create a detailed and realistic budget
  • Track your spending and revenue closely
  • Find ways to reduce your expenses – small changes add up
  • Tighten up your invoicing process and don’t be afraid to chase up late payments
  • Get a loan or line of credit to help you tide over difficult times
  • Invest in tools and software that will help you manage your finances more effectively

2 – Lack of Planning

Another common reason why small businesses fail is a lack of planning.

In the excitement of starting your business, it’s easy to get caught up in daily tasks and forget about where you’re headed. This means that many entrepreneurs fall into the trap of doing things ‘just because’, rather than creating a plan and taking intentional action.

To avoid this, you need to have a solid business plan in place. This document should outline your vision for the business, as well as your goals and strategies for achieving them. It should also include a detailed financial plan so that you can track your progress and adjust along the way.  Your accountant can help guide you through this process and avoid making common and costly mistakes.

3 – Poor Management

It’s easy to think of your business as a special, unique snowflake. You might believe that since it’s based on passion and hard work, you don’t have to manage it the same way other businesses are managed.

However, being an entrepreneur is hard work and there are many tough decisions you alone will have to make and tasks to complete that become a necessary evil.

To be successful, you need to learn the skills of management; this means taking a moment to step back from your daily grind and look at things with an objective eye. This is especially important when it comes to hiring employees – if you don’t know how to manage people, you’ll struggle to hold onto staff.

The good news is that most management skills can be learned through education and experience, so set aside some time every week to read up on the subject or attend seminars with experienced entrepreneurs.

Your accountant can double up as a business coach who can help keep you accountable for your goals and provide you with the skills you need to be a great leader.

4 – Failing to Invest in Marketing

No matter how great your product or service is, if no one knows about it then you’re doomed to fail.

This is why effective marketing is so important for small businesses – it’s the only way to get your name out there and let people know what you have to offer.

Unfortunately, many small businesses don’t allocate enough of their budget to marketing, or they rely on outdated methods that no longer work.

If you want your business to be successful, you need to invest in modern marketing techniques such as social media and content marketing. You should also make sure you have a well-designed website and an effective branding strategy.

Final Thoughts

There are many reasons why small businesses fail, but by understanding the most common ones you can take steps to avoid them. Make sure you have a business plan in place, learn the skills of management, and invest in effective marketing techniques – these are the keys to success.